How to use a CPD folder for Interview Preparation.


So many people say to me ‘ I only update my CPD Folder when I have an Interview’.

I know that in an ideal world you would keep up to date and have a spectacular CPD Folder that demonstrates all the hard work and learning you have accomplished.

Sadly, the reality is time is not always on your side. As with most professions, the time within work hours to reflect on your professional development has dwindled to zero over the past few decades.

Are you currently in a panic situation? You have an upcoming interview and you haven’t touched your CPD folder in some time but you also need to prepare for the actual interview questions too. Are worried that you don’t have time for both?

Here are my tips on how to combine the two processes of interview and CPD folder preparation by completing them AT THE SAME TIME!

How to use a CPD Folder for Interview Preparation.

1. Have a Plan

2. List Your Examples

3. What CPD evidence should I include?

4. Give me an example!

5. Always finish with an Action Plan.

1.     Have a Plan

First of all - if you don’t know where to begin with your Interview preparation, check out these Blog Posts:

Secondly, you need a strategy. I would suggest looking at the job specification provided by your potential employer. Start to think about the examples of how you meet the essential and desirable criteria.


2.    List Your Examples

List all the examples out that you have identified. Now you need to practice them so they spring to mind when you are in the interview.

Some people practice mock interviews with friends/ colleagues. What I suggest is creating a piece of CPD for your folder for each example that you have. Whilst creating the piece of CPD you need to utilise all of your senses to help solidify them to memory.

You could:

  • Have a nice atmosphere - use a candle

  • Read/ speak the example out loud as you create it

  • Write/ type your piece of CPD

  • Eat your favourite snack whilst creating

So you have used all the senses: touch, hear, taste, smell and vision. This should help to keep your example in your memory so you can use it at the right time.


3.     What CPD Evidence should I include?

Depending on what your example is about will determine what type of CPD evidence you create. Some ideas are:

👇👇👇Make sure you get your hands on my free CPD folder Checklist for more Ideas 👇👇👇

Other Interview Blog Posts

Other Interview Blog Posts


4.     Give Me an Example!

Let me give you an example of how this works:

I want to demonstrate my service development projects of improving the ACL rehabilitation class. My folder will include:

  • Paper review of the latest literature on the topic- to ensure evidence based practice

  • Templates I created for use in the class - so any team member follows the same format.

  • Protocols/ Pathways I created - to ensure patient safety, consistency between staff and evidence based practice.

  • Patient feedback before and after changes - to demonstrate patient centered approach and evaluation of changes

  • Reflections on what went well/ didn’t go well and an action plan for the future of the project and what I would do the same/ differently in future projects.


5.     Always Finish with an Action Plan

CPD stands for Continued Professional Development therefore your folder should never come to an end point.

If you add an action plan to each piece of CPD it shows your awareness of your limitations and subconsciously you start to work towards the plan.

What is great about putting an action plan at the end of each piece of CPD you can add the new piece of evidence without having to repeat the whole learning journey. Once you have created your folder, it is so easy to update, remove and improve it.

There you have it, a way to complete your interview preparation at the same time as your CPD folder. If you follow my method I can guarantee you will feel confident to explain your experience and how you have developed over time.

Make sure you download your free CPD Folder checklist to get a headstart on your preparation.

BBQ’s - Bek’s Big Questions

❓What are your top tips for creating your CPD folder? Have you found any of my tips useful?

Comment below 👇👇👇


About the Blogger:

Hi, I’m Rebekah.

I’m a Physiotherapist with a passion to support others to get to where they want to be. I love to organise and plan which, comes in handy for my mission to empower others to achieve their Physiotherapy career goals.




5 Reasons Why I Love CPD Portfolio: Rebekah Recommends