How to identify your strengths and weaknesses for a Physiotherapy job interview.
Are you totally stumped when trying to think up an answer for the strengths and weakness question for your upcoming interview?
How do you identify what your strengths and weaknesses are? How do you make your weaknesses not seem so weak? And how do you make your strengths shine without coming across arrogant?
What you need to do is a SWOT analysis! Keep reading 👇 👇 👇 to understand the process to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
READ until the end for my unique tip 🙌 to make sure your findings are easily actionable!
How to identify your strengths and weaknesses for a Physiotherapy job interview.
1. What is SWOT Analysis?
2. Why SWOT Analysis is important to Physiotherapists?
3. S is for Superpowers (Strengths)
4. W is for Work Ons (Weaknesses)
5. O is for Options (Opportunities)
6. T is for Tricky Spots (Threats)
7. S is for Step ( Bonus Tip)
1. What is SWOT Analysis?
SWOT analysis is used as a personal development tool to help learners visualise their strengths and weaknesses. Then the learner can focus on the opportunities to develop both their strengths and weaknesses in light of the limitations they have.
SWOT analysis was developed as a business strategy tool in the 1960’s but it is accepted that the original author is unknown (click for history). It has been adopted by learning institutions to assist learners in understanding their personal development needs for many years.
2. Why SWOT Analysis is important to Physiotherapists?
You might have heard of SWOT analysis before and not really taken much from it, just a tool they make you use at University and on Courses to tick a box.
Physiotherapists can use it:
Beginning, middle and end of a rotation to demonstrate learning
Preparation for interview
Before starting a service development project
Before starting a new job
For a specific skill or topic
Before and after a course or training
In my experience, SWOT analysis is an amazing personal development tool to develop your self awareness and break down feelings of overwhelm into a clear strategy to move forward.
I have adapted the traditional SWOT analysis model to make it even more relevant to Physiotherapists. I’ve substituted some new words and phrases and if you stick it to the end you will see my addition which I think elevates this process to the next level! 🙌
3. S is for Superpowers (Strengths)
Here is the chance for you to show off! Blow your own trumpet🎺. List what you are Great at! What about your job do you currently feel good at? A few things that come naturally to you or that you have worked hard to achieve?
4. W is for Work Ons (Weaknesses)
For most, this one is quite easy to fill in. You are acutely aware of what area in work you lack confidence or topics that you know you need to look up. However if this area is difficult for you to fill out, try thinking of something at work that you are actively avoiding and start there.
5. O is for Options (Opportunities)
It’s not that I don’t like the word ‘Opportunities’ but I like the idea of listing all the Options that you have available to you to develop BOTH your Superpowers and Work ons.
5. T is for Tricky Spots (Threats)
I have always disliked that this exercise ends in THREAT!!! Listing all the reasons why you haven’t moved past your weaknesses. To target this I have softened the blow to Tricky Spots.
What things might get in the way of the Options available to you? Time? Money? Mindset?
But whenever we watch a good film, with ‘mild peril’, our heroes always manage to problem solve their way out of their Tricky Spots. So to move you forwards I have added another S.
7. S is for Step ( Bonus Tip)
What is your next step? Looking at your Work Ons and your Options - What is your next step? If there is a Tricky Spot lurking how are you going to navigate it? Make it a SMART goal.
You only need to make One Step to start the ball rolling to turn a Work On into a Superpower. A Weakness into a Strength.
Whether you prefer the good old version or my new take on a SWOT analysis give it a try today!
And then let me know what your next step is by putting a comment below.👇👇👇
It is proven that Goals are more likely to be achieved with accountability.
Make sure you download a copy of my SWOT ANALYSIS TEMPLATE that you can use time and time again to identify your Strengths, Weaknesses and make an action plan for your personal development!
About the Blogger:
Hi, I’m Rebekah.
I’m a Physiotherapist with a passion to support others to get to where they want to be. I love to organise and plan which, comes in handy for my mission to empower others to achieve their Physiotherapy career goals.